I found “The Color Purple” to be similar to the book I read for the last novel session, “The Secret Life of Bees” in the sense of there being strong female relationships throughout the whole plot. I thought it was very interesting that in SLOB, the only male character close to Lily (the main character of the book) that is not painted as a terrible person is Zak. All other male characters closely involved with her have bad motives and mean her harm. In the same way, “The Color Purple” paints every male in a negative light, except for maybe Harpo. Perhaps this is because as readers, we see him through someone else’s eyes.
I found it extremely interesting that although these books were completely different, they had such a striking similarity when it came to this issue. All males are bad, except for maybe just one. It almost gives the reader a very slight sense of hope about the male characters.
i dont know... though he isnt painted in a negative light i cant necissarily agree that he was painted in a positive light either. i saw him as lazy, stupid, and a bully. though he didnt exactly mean celie harm he didnt have good motives throughout the book and seemed really dimwitted and slow.