The moment of rebirth for Celie is when Shug finds Nettie’s letters. In a moment Celie is freed from purposeful separation from her sister. She is freed from a lifetime of guilt upon realizing that her “pa” is not her biological father. She is also set free from obligation to her husband. Everything that has trapped her in the life that she leads has been broken away because she realizes that everything was a lie. She is not alone and there is someone who loves her. The letters become a lisence for her to be whoever she wants to be and she doesn’t have to seek permission or approval anymore.
Celie is given a gift. She finds happiness and embraces a new sense of self, peace and forgiveness. It is only the fact that she has truly found redemption and has completely forgiven and begun to love herself that enables her to forgive the people that kept her enslaved. Celie puts on her pants and chases life, knowing that it is worth living now.
I think that was huge turning point in the book when Celie finally found out that the man who had gotten her pregnant wasn't her father. It was as if she was carrying a weight of shame throughout the entire book even though what he had done to her was not her fault. Evn when she would talk to Shug at the beginning of the book about her children, Celie did not say much for fear that it woul dcome out that she had given birth to her father's children. The sad fact is that, if anyone were to ever know about what happened the publc would look down on Celie and not her father for, she was a woman and that was that.